“Maryland,” is a fun, playful pop-rock tune, flooded with a fresh, young voice. Hearing her sing in her newest single is like a breath of fresh air. What’s so special about, “Maryland,” is how honest Rella is in her lyrics. You can tell that she is putting it all out there — refusing to hold back anything from her fans. The true standout moment lives within the chorus, “If there’s even the tiniest chance you might love me again, I’d never repeat my mistakes.” In the song, Rella harps about the usage of various substances as a crutch to forget about personal problems and to simply feel better — the single art highlights this same theme as we see her sitting on the floor holding a phone surrounded by open bottles of liquor and pills. In the song she sings, “I’ve quit all my vices, not strung out on pills and wine anymore / I used to wake up still drunk from the night before.”
via PlayTooMuch, written by Julia Gross